Residential Services
It is DDM’s policy to provide habilitation and supportive services to adults with developmental disabilities who are able to have their needs met in a community residential services environment.
Admission is based upon the availability of a vacancy. Length of admission is dependent on the needs of the individual. DDM does not discriminate based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin. Applicants must meet the following residential criteria:
- Primary diagnosis of developmental disability
- Disability manifested before age 22
- Georgia resident
- Ambulatory
- 21 years of age or older
- Possess sufficient self-help and socialization skills for personal care home/community living (determined by assessment)
- Must be involved in a day training program or be capable of working a job in the community
Full-time Direct Care Professionals
Full-time, direct care professionals work with residents in a Christian family setting. Training those accepted into the DDM program requires a staff with an unusually high degree of commitment. Staff members must be unselfish, patient, and loving, and they are carefully selected and trained for this special work.
Day Service
Depending on the residents’ needs, day service will be provided by either day habilitation, work activity, specialized employment or supported employment. Most residents receive day services at local centers for people with developmental disabilities. An exception is the residents who hold regular competitive employment, working and earning wages. Some residents are employed in local grocery stores, hotels, and restaurants.
Medicaid Waiver Services
DDM is an approved provider of Medicaid Waiver Services in five of six regions of Georgia. When an individual is approved for Medicaid Waiver Services, families can be assured the individual will receive a range of services based upon individual need. The application process for Waiver is time consuming and detailed. Below are links to three documents describing Waiver services in Georgia.
Understanding the Medicaid Waiver
DCH Home and Community Services
Instructions and Application for the Medicaid Waiver
For assistance with waiver applications or DDM admissions, contact Denel James at
Person Centered Services
DDM’s policy of providing each resident Person Centered Services helps ensure quality care. The service plan for each resident is developed at a resident orientation with the participation (and informed consent) of the resident or his/her sponsor/legal representative. All residents are active participants in any planning and revision of their plan and choices. At orientation, all residents are given a DDM Resident Handbook, which contains information on the Individual Service Plan process and their role in this process. DDM ensures that all persons involved in the planning process understand the plans and their own involvement in achieving the outcomes. DDM also ensures that all residents understand what is written in their plans and can communicate what it means. All plans are individualized and reflect the needs, desires and dreams of each resident. DDM, if required by Medicaid Waiver standards, can immediately turn the planning process over to the service coordination agency representing the resident.
In its services to its residents and handling of Personal Health Information (PHI), DDM will comply with all regulations set forward by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To learn more about HIPAA, visit the website or contact Sylvia Crowe at 770-623-4899.
Resident Training
Training for residents covers many areas, such as: personal care, communications, budgeting, banking, shopping, laundry, planning and preparing meals, housekeeping, social and recreational activities, and worship.
Apply for Services
Click the button below to apply for services.