Navigation Services

It can be a lonely and overwhelming place trying to navigate Medicaid Waiver Services, Social Security Benefits, finding support groups, or a church that is welcoming to people with a developmental disability and their families. DDM is committed to helping families find solutions, resources, and provide education to people with I/DD and their families.

Please visit our website for resource/reference materials.

Gwinnett County Public Schools 2021 Virtual Transition Fair

An event for students with disabilities and their parents to learn about options as they bridge from school to life after high school.

Families can attend virtual presentations and explore resources from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 20, 2021, at Once the virtual fair concludes, these resources will be available online through the end of the school year.

Resources will include information on Day Programs and Community Living Supports, Recreation and Leisure, and Vocational and Career Services.

Home and Community Based Services or Community Resources

For Home and Community Based Services or Community Resources contact Alice Tiner by email.

Social Security Benefits Questions and Assistance

For Social Security Benefits questions/assistance, please contact our office by phone or email. See phone number and email address at the bottom of this page.